2021 has been a year full of ups and downs. With restrictions easing off to becoming almost non-existent, it might feel frustrating that some of those rules are coming back into place as we get closer to Christmas. That’s why we’ve come up with a few ideas to help bring Christmas cheer to those around you! At the end of the day, we all want to be able to spend the most wonderful time of the year with the people we love.
So as Christmas gets closer, let’s stay safe while we create moments for kindness and connection. To kick off our #ConnectedChristmas campaign we’re launching our very own challenge to help you #BePositivelySocial.
What is the challenge:
The #ConnectedChristmas campaign involves you doing something kind or helpful for someone else. This can be online or offline! Perform at least 1 act of Christmas kindness, then nominate someone to ‘pay it forward’.
The aim of sharing it publicly is less about showing how great you are, and more about showing how we’re all part of a community. It’s important that we take care of each other! Kindness like that is contagious. Showing your act of Christmas kindness publicly will hopefully encourage others to do the same.

Share this with your friends, family and colleagues
12 Ideas to show Christmas Kindness and connect with others
🍽 Donate items to the local food bank collection box at the supermarket
📲 Host a group video call for family and friends – so everyone can socialise together
✍️ Write kind notes for people you love and put them in Christmas cards
🎁 Make some thoughtful handmade gifts
👍 Leave appreciation posts for your friends on social media
🥰 Take a few minutes at the dinner table to tell each other what you are thankful for
💌 Leave a note on your front door to thank the workers delivering your parcels and post this Christmas
🎁 If it’s safe and allowed by the rules and restrictions in your area, volunteer to help family members wrap their gifts
💌 Order a Christmas treat online and send to someone you haven’t seen in a while
🙋♀️ Give up your place in a queue to someone behind you
🎤 Organise a video call to sing Christmas carols
😷 Wear a mask when you are in shops, restaurants, and other public places to help make sure everyone has a healthy and safe Christmas