How an AI deepfake ad of MrBeast ended up on TikTok
- A fraudulent MrBeast ad avoided TikTok’s ad moderation technology and ended up on the platform.
- MrBeast is a very popular influencer, with more subscribers than any other individual on YouTube.
- The ad appeared to offer 10,000 viewers an iPhone 15 Pro for just $2.
- In most instances, this could clearly be perceived as a scam, but coming from MrBeast, it could lead many to believe it.
- TikTok told TechCrunch that it removed the ad within a few hours of being posted due to violations to TikTok’s advertising policies.
- For more, please visit the Tech Crunch website.
Security experts send urgent social media warning to UK residents
- Security experts ADT, have shared their top tips for posting safely online and how to keep your home safe.
- Criminals can stalk social media profiles and use what you post online to their advantage, when planning potential break-ins.
- ADT offer six top tips on how to avoid a social media break in.
- They include, not giving strangers a virtual tour of your house, keeping your plans off social media, avoiding sharing geotags, making sure you know who you are sharing with, not posting images or videos of gifts and simply considering what you post.
- For more, please visit the Stourbridge News website.
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TikTok paedophile accepts abusing more kids online
- A paedophile who has posed as an underage boy to prey on children on TikTok could be handed an extended sentence.
- The man is currently serving a four-year sentence for targeting two children and has now admitted targeting 11 other accounts.
- He tried to get girls he believed were 10, to teach younger girls to perform sex acts on themselves and encouraged others to play out explicit acts.
- The judge stated she would be unable to find the man ‘dangerous’ without a new pre-sentence report to consider new offences and rehabilitative work he has done, to determine the level of the sentence he should have now.
- For more, please visit the Oxford Mail website.